New Year Newsletter for 2017

Hey All, Just thought i'd check in with you all, I hope you all had an amazing New Year? How many of you set resolutions? I personally didn't set any this year, I usually set random challenges for myself to keep things fresh, one year I challenged myself to learn the skill set of being a Barista, another year to do a Sushi Master course... random I know, but hey, priorities... I could make you a damn good cup of coffee that’s for sure. One thing I did do was set a word intention for myself, so I saw this screen shot game on my phone - I shared it on my Facebook page if anyone’s interested ( Link shared below ). So the video repeats a whole series of words and when you screen shot you get a still image of a word... I got 'Recognition'. Which really fits with my goal this year, last year I overcame obstacles of floating a new start up company, now I’m ready to fly and really get the message out there of what I am here to do with this Dragon Energy. So after sitting in contemplation, recognition really seemed to fit the bill. So this is my word for 2017 What’s 2017 got install for you...? ( this is just for entertainment purposes ) Facebook Link Moving forward we have purchased a card reader payment system, so now can accept Credit/ Debit Card Payments, Contactless Payments too including Apple Pay and Google Pay.

WEDNESDAY 15th FEBRUARY 19:00 - 21:00 We shall start the evening off with a group greeting and then a meditation to get everyone fired up and ready to go. Next will be the energy exchange with each other. Finishing off by finally sending all the energy in the room out to the world and where it’s most needed :)
The cost for this enchanted evening is £6 this is merely to cover room costs... If you're not actively practicing this is a great opportunity to build your confidence in a safe, loving and supportive community. I'm really looking forward to connecting with so many of you at this event and I really have a strong sense this will grow into something magical.

:: NEW FOR 2017 :: SPRING EQUINOX TASTER DAY Kicking off our first 2017 taster day... AVAILABLE ON TUESDAY 21st MARCH
A 30 minute slot gives you a 20 minute experience with the powerful and mystical Dragon energy and also allows the new energy coming in to be peacefully merged with you... This years Spring Equinox Taster Day will be taking place at: Altea The Downley Holistic Centre High Street, Downley, High Wycombe Buckinghamshire HP13 5XJ Our website is now offering appointment slots.

Have you heard? We're moving to London Town! Yes it is true, after moving to High Wycombe in 2009 and launching the company Nulife in 2010 its time we finally moved on. However it’s by far not over, there will be at least two days a month that we/ I will be coming back to High Wycombe to see clients. It really depends on the demand and follow-ups and whether we can consolidate people to just a few days to make travelling less and easier. Of course my family still live in Aylesbury so I’ll be doing my best to see them and of course I’m passionate about this new Healing share getting off the ground :) You may be thinking that this is all happening really fast, and yes it is, but the Universe likes speed, we've shown a willingness to this move and have taken action where and when required and everything around is moving perfectly ( and yes quickly ). We have been in talks with Altea The Downley Holistic Centre ( High Wycombe ) and I’m very proud to announce that we are transferring all our clinic days to their premises once we have left the area, clinic days will also include the taster days we run every quarter. So, sadly this means Friday 27th of January will be our last day trading for the Dragon Clinic at Court Garden Leisure Complex in Marlow, we've had an incredible time working there and met some truly amazing people. As of Monday 30th until future notice all clinic sessions will now be held at our private clinic in High Wycombe. As of Monday 13th February I have decided to open the Clinic from 09:00 to see if this benefits people more. Upon setting up this company I set the hours of trading from 11:00 - 19:00 but certainly whilst I’m here now ( and may continue in London ) We're going to be available from 09:00. These times are now reflected accordingly on our website and where available you can book your session.
See you all soon... :) 🐲🔥